Jan Loup + Maquis Son Sistèm (Francia / Bass Dubstep live & Sound System)

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~jan loup, producing and djing, she has multiple facette in her dj sets, from very bass dubstep to techno bass on more peak time moments to dnb, tek and tribe for the late night vibes.
~maquis son sistèm is producer, dj & a live act wich consists of dub re-interpretations of his tracks in tape multitracks using the mixing table as a narrative instrument but also sound effects and dub sirens.
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MARIA VIOLENZA live + PANIC MONDAY feat. Pierpanico dj set

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PANIC MONDAY _ Pier Panico

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Kinema Fanfulla - DAZED and CONFUSED // "The Human Surge" (di Eduardo Williams, 2016) + Growlin' Bobo dj set

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"Dazed and Confused" è una rassegna pensata da Liryc Dela Cruz.
Sei invitat* a intraprendere un viaggio cinematografico, una prospettiva autentica e introspettiva sulla condizione umana. Questi film esplorano le incertezze della vita, le complessità dell'amore e il profondo viaggio alla scoperta di sé con una lente cruda e senza filtri.
3 OTT - "The Human Surge" (di Eduardo Williams, 2016)
sfida la narrazione tradizionale attraversando i continenti attraverso una narrazione visivamente accattivante e frammentata. Descritto come una meditazione sulla connessione umana in un mondo globalizzato, il film incoraggia gli spettatori a contemplare i misteri dell'esistenza attraverso il suo approccio innovativo.
10 OTT - "Beach Rats" (di Eliza Hittman, 2017)
si svolge nelle strade di Brooklyn, offrendo uno sguardo intimo sul viaggio alla scoperta di sé di un giovane. Come notato dai recensori, il film approfondisce le complessità della gioventù contemporanea, esplorando i temi dell'identità, della sessualità e della continua lotta per l'autoaccettazione in un contesto urbano.
17 OTT - "I Promise You Anarchy" (di Julio Hernández Cordón, 2015)
ci conduce nel cuore di Città del Messico, dove i confini tra amore e caos si confondono in una sottocultura di skateboard e mercati clandestini. I critici hanno elogiato il suo ritratto dell'amore proibito e dell'incoscienza giovanile, offrendo uno sguardo senza fronzoli sulla vita dei suoi personaggi.
24 OTT - "An Elephant Sitting Still" (di Hu Bo, 2018)
veniamo trasportati nella Cina urbana, dove quattro vite si intersecano sullo sfondo della disperazione. Questo film, spesso descritto come un'esplorazione della "disperazione estetizzata", sfida gli spettatori a riflettere sulla condizione umana e sulla ricerca della pace interiore in mezzo al tumulto.
Apertura h 21.00
Proeizione h 21.30
Dopo il film selezione musicale di volta in volta volta a tutti

Kinema Fanfulla - Tutti i martedì
Inizio proiezione ore 21.30
Si può fumare in sala
Ingresso gratuito con tessera arci
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Produttore, dj e compositore di varie colonne sonore per documentari e installazioni artistiche in tutto il territorio nazionale, nel 2013 crea l’Hermit Festival dedicato alla scena elettronica. La sua etichetta è la Hermit Records.
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Monopoly Child Star Searchers + Mondoriviera Live // Vape Boys Dj Set

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Monopoly Child Star Searchers + Mondoriviera Live
SPENCER CLARK by Manlio Perugini:
Originally trained as a photographer, Spencer Clark started making music almost twenty years ago. Right from the beginning, he has been part of many significant moments in 21 st century “fringe” music. As The Skaters, he and James Ferraro were part of the US noise scene in the early/mid-noughties. The Skaters belonged to the Californian branch of that scene: they recorded almost twenty albums in just one year, although they released them in the span of four years (2004-2008) while touring – to then remain silent ever since. Their final release, Physicalities Of The Sensibilities Of Ingrediential Stairways, is probably the most complete evidence of that period. The parting of the ways led Spencer to experiment with music under a list of monickers such as Black Joker, Vodka Soap, and Monopoly Child, that in 2009 David Keenan accounted within hypnagogic pop, i.e., “pop music refracted through the memory of a memory.” In his
article for The Wire, Keenan had referred to a sort of continuity with exotica, in its more psychedelic ramifications, as a defining feature of hypnagogic pop; this continuity has become somewhat a trademark in Spencer Clark’s later production. In fact, he become one of the stars of the current lush neo psychedelia/exotica constellation, together with labels such as Discrepant, his own Pacific City Sound Visions, Aguirre, Edições Cn, Artetetra, and many more. Quite consistently, Spencer Clark has also been acknowledged as one of the starters of the New Age revival that took place all along the past decade. Yet, these elements are just part of what can be retrieved throughout his
immense discography: his wide stylistic variety has its match with an across-the-board interest in different cultural areas. He frequently blows up the walls separating so-called high and low culture – exploring the ways they can be connected together: just to name a recent examples, in his two albums with Italian sound artist Francesco Cavaliere under the Etrusca 3D monicker, they blended together the Etruscan civilisation and ancient 3D movies. Under this respect, one of his most significant project is Fourth World Magazine, whose third installment, Neoplatonic Aquatic Symposiums, has just been released. He will be performing as Monopoly Child Star Searchers in support of his new album
“Barbados Wild Horses”, a record which he recorded with Sun Araw.
a seguire Vape Boys dj set
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Marie-Pierre Bonniol / Five Films at Fanfulla

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Fanfulla is pleased to present a program of experimental short films by the French filmmaker Marie-Pierre Bonniol.
These seven short films are all related to music, with soundtracks by musicians such as Pierre Bastien and Kraus. The longest of these films is Wasser (2021, 22'35), a powerful abstract essay on water and its transformation into energy, features a soundtrack by Andreas O. Hirsch, Raymonde, Khaki Blazer, Richard Pinhas, and The Dead Mauriacs.
Obsessed by the idea of Imaginary music, Marcel Duchamp’s idea of the “bachelor machine,” and the power of mysteries, Marie-Pierre Bonniol's films – all recorded on her smartphone – have been presented at Cafe OTO in London, ZKM in Karlsruhe, the National Library of Argentina and Anthology Film Archive in New York. The day before (Thursday October 5th), she'll present her photo books at Leporello, Via del Pigneto, 162/e, at XXh (free entry).
PROGRAMME (30 minutes)
Please note that some parts of the programme are not adapted to people with PSE (Photosensitive epilepsy).
Quiet motors (2017, 1’24)
Music by Pierre Bastien
Babylone (2018, 1’13)
Music by Kraus
Three motors (2018, 1’55)
Sound recording by Ève Couturier and Jean-Jacques Palix
Korridor (2020, 1’16)
Music by Marie-Pierre Bonniol and Walter Duncan (+ co-direction)
Wasser (2021, 22'35)
Music by Andreas O. Hirsch, Khaki Blazer, Raymonde, Richard Pinhas, The Dead Mauriacs.
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LA PUNTA BIANCA (Synth Pop / Francia) + Simona Beat Dj Set

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La Punta Bianca is a French-Italian-British synth-wave duo comprised of singer/actress Francesca Diprima and singer and producer Philippe Brown.After having made its name in the Parisian alternative scene, the duo gathered attention in 2019 when their first EP Demian released on Detriti Records. It was described as: “Mysterious, melancholy, dark, sexy, poetic, otherworldly...A perfect record!” “Mysterious, alien... my favourite Detriti record of all time! The lyrics, beyond language, are beautiful and reminiscent of academia and Lovecraft's works.“ “A wonderful little LP that knocks that minimal synth aesthetic out of the park.“ First released on tape, it was then re-pressed two times on vinyl thanks to its success. Philippe and Francesca then had the chance to tour in France, Germany, and Lithuania. After three years of development, the duo finished their first full length album with “Disquiet”, which permitted them to experiment and reassert their sonic direction towards mysterious Italian-style melodrama, dreamy lyrics, Twin Peaks-style synth-jazz, and cathartic bursts of insanity. Francesca and Philippe’s voices are naïve and charmingly imperfect, and can occasionally turn into something more ferocious. They complement each other like a strange and vocal ying and yang.
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Tiziana Lo Conte: Voce - Elettronica - Synth
Alessandra Trinity: Flauto Traverso - Elettronica - FX Manipulation
Valerio Michetti: Batteria
Marco della Rocca: Gong e oggetti
Facendo uso di strumenti elettronici e acustici il quartetto esplora la zona di confine fra la performance, lʼimprovvisazione e la composizione. Durante esibizioni gli Olympian Gossip ricostruiscono un immaginario, fatto di timbri organizzati, di
oggetti sonori e di visioni, di scarti elettrici e di incursioni vocali che, trasversalmente ai generi musicali, raccontano storie.
progetto di Flavio Derbekannte e Arianna Degni Lombardo, (già noti come DBPIT & XxeNa).
Presenteranno dal vivo 'Medusa, who else?'
Una storia in video, con tappeti di elettronica industrial e inserimenti di tromba e campane tibetane e remix delle voci del disco, dove si raccontano i personaggi del mito secondo la moderna concezione, cioè una reinterpretazione in supporto a tutte le vittime di abusi.
Con l'occasione, sarà possibile acquistare copie del lavoro.
bandcamp Noise Cluster
DJ Elettrodo
a seguire djset con Elettrodo (elettronica/industrial)
Prove Tecniche di Trasmissione/Disorder (Radio Onda Rossa)
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ACETATO By Lola Kola & Tropicantesimo's Crew

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ACETATO by Lola Kola & Tropicantesimo's Crew
è snella la via a 45 giri
è dolce la puntina sul vinile
giro giro in tondo, solco tutto il mondo
solco la terra, bella per la musica che balla.
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